Supporting Loved Ones with Cancer

Updated: May 1, 2024

What Every Woman Should Know About Prostate Cancer – CancerConnect
Caring for Another & Caring for Yourself – Family Caregiver Alliance
5 Lessons on Dealing with a Spouse with Cancer –
17 Ways to Help Someone During Cancer Treatment – MD Anderson Cancer Center

American Cancer Society
What a Caregiver Does
How Family & Friends Can Support Someone with Cancer
Support Services & Resources for Caregivers
Caregiver Support Group for those who have spouses/partners with cancer
Support Services & Resources for Caregivers
What Can I Say to a Newly Diagnosed Loved One?

Supporting Loved Ones With Cancer

“Breast cancer diagnosis not only brings physical challenges, but significant emotional and psychological challenges, as well. It is something no one wants to face alone. The spouse of the cancer patient feels the impact of the diagnosis, and their support can be crucial to recovery. The couple goes through cancer together.”  – Second Opinion with Joan Lunden

“The Cancer Spouse” on YouTube – Second Opinion with Joan Lunden – Season 17, Episode 1710
“The Cancer Spouse” transcript – Second Opinion with Joan Lunden – Season 17, Episode 1710
Facing Cancer with Your Spouse or Partner – National Cancer Institute

Cancer Support Groups

CWNY’s list of Cancer Support Groups – Center for the Women of New York (CWNY)